SPDX Spec 2.1 Overview

This is not an official SPDX Specification. Portions herein have been reproduced from SPDX® Specification 2.1 found at spdx.org. These portions are Copyright © 2010­-2016 Linux Foundation and its Contributors, and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 Unported by the Linux Foundation and its Contributors. All other rights are expressly reserved by Linux Foundation and its Contributors.

Tag Description Example Cardinality
SPDXVersion SPDX File Version SPDX-2.1 (const) 1
DataLicense License of the SPDX File CC0-1.0 (const) 1
DocumentName Name of this Document ubuntu-14.04 1
DocumentNamespace The URL to access the SPDX file see 1
ExternalDocReference Reference SPDX Element see *
LicenseListVersion The license list version 3.3 ?
Creator A creator (human, bot or organisation see +
Created Creation date of this document 2018-12-17T19:00:12Z (ISO 8601) 1
CreatorComment A comment about the creation of this document <text>...</text> ?
DocumentComment A comment about this document <text>...</text> ?
PackageName The name of the package glibc 1
PackageVersion The version of the package 1.12.14 SemVer ?
PackageFileName An actual file name for the package glibc-2.11.1.tar.gz ?
PackageSupplier The distribution source Ma_124 ?
PackageOriginator The package originator/author Ma_124 ?
PackageDownloadLocation The package download location/VCS see 1
PackageHomePage The homepage of this package https://ma124.js.org/ ?
PacakgeLicenseDeclared The SPDX License of the package GPL-3.0-or-later 1




Document Namespace Format

The Document Namespace is just an URL with preferably the following format: http[s]://<Creator Url>/<Path>/<Document Name>-<UUID>

Creator URL
An URL which is publicly available.
Just a sub path.
Document Name
The document name specified in DocumentName.

External Doc Reference Format

DocumentRef­-<ID> <Document Namespace> <Checksum>

An unique ID for later reference.
Document Namespace
The document name space to load as defined here.
A Checksum.

Creator Format

Person: <Name> (<EMail>) Organisation: <Name> (<EMail>) Tool: <Name>

Download Location Format

URL or a VCS Path: <VCS>+<Transport>://<Host Name>/<Path to Repo>/[@<Revision, Tag or Branch>][#<Subpath>]

git://gitlab.com/Ma_124/dotfiles git+https://gitlab.com/Ma_124/dotfiles.git git+ssh://gitlab.com/Ma_124/dotfiles.git git+git://gitlab.com/Ma_124/dotfiles.git git+git@gitlab.com/Ma_124/dotfiles.git


git+https://gitlab.com/Ma_124/dotfiles.git@master git+https://gitlab.com/Ma_124/fit.git@v1.0 git+https://gitlab.com/Ma_124/fit.git@bf6d0f385c5eb6780de1a3309427c909e26b2e46


For more examples with other VCSs see §3.7.5

Package Supplier

Same as Creator Format but without the Tool.

Checksum Format

<Algorithm ID>: <Hex Output>

Algorithm ID
This is recommended to be SHA1